Hospitalité Notre Dame de lourdesThe Hospitalité was created to care for the Sanctuary and the Pilgrims coming to Lourdes. It is a volunteer organization dedicated to welcoming and accompanying the thousands of pilgrims each year, especially the sick. Our Lady's Pilgrimage joins these volunteers each summer.
OLP's work with the Hospitalité includes two different levels: new volunteers and stage volunteers.
New Volunteers - Pilgrims
Our first year pilgrims get to work in a variety of settings such as the Grotto, the trains, outside the baths, the candlelight procession and the international mass in the underground basilica. In addition, first year pilgrims are also on pilgrimage. They will get to experience much of what Lourdes has to offer. See the What to Expect page for more information.
The Stage Program
The Stage program is a formation program for those who loved their first pilgrimage experience and want to come back and serve in Lourdes. The program is for 16 and older. The stagiaires, as they are known, choose which service they would like to work with and work as a volunteer in that service for the week. OLP usually works with Service Saint Jean Baptiste, which is the baths for women, or Service Saint Joseph, which is a variety of works including the baths, trains, processions, and serving in the Grotto. We still have daily Mass, meals, and reflection time together, as well as, time between service for rosary knotting, hangout out, cards, enjoying the treats, and a special day with just OLP.
In addition to service, stagiaires take part in the formation through the Hospitalité, which is a four year program (can be completed over several years). Each year focuses on a different aspect of Lourdes and the roll of the Hospitalité. We count our new volunteer year as your first year, so during the first year in stage, you will take the classes for 1 & 2 at the same time.
At the end of the fourth year, stagiaires are given the option to make a commitment to join the Hospitalité as a full member (Hospitalier), or to continue to work as an auxiliary member. If a person chooses to full membership they are making a commitment to come back to Lourdes regularly and serve for a week. This may be annually or as regularly as their life will allow. Visit the Lourdes Hospitalité website to learn more.